Smart Contract Layer

cGPU Virtual Machine (cGPUVM):

  • Optimization:

    • Designed for high performance and efficiency in executing smart contracts related to computational tasks.

  • Compatibility:

    • Supports common programming languages like Solidity and Rust, facilitating developer adoption.

Security Audits:

  • Regular Assessments:

    • Engages third-party security firms for comprehensive audits.

  • Community Involvement:

    • Encourages community reviews and feedback to identify potential vulnerabilities.

Advanced Features:

  • Complex Contract Support:

    • Enables sophisticated smart contracts for multi-party agreements, escrow services, and conditional executions.

  • Interoperability:

    • Supports standards like ERC-20 and ERC-721 for token interoperability.

Developer Tools:

  • SDKs and APIs:

    • Provides tools for developers to build applications, integrations, and services on top of the cGPU blockchain.

  • Documentation and Support:

    • Offers extensive resources to aid development and foster an active developer community.

Last updated